Wednesday, 19 March 2014

MIDWEEK UPDATES:Models, designers and much more!

TOP MODEL TANZANIA, ANNA GURA ( left ), @ a photoshoot with 

TOP MODEL TANZANIA Adios event is this Saturday, 7pm sharp @ RHAPSODY'S, VIVA TOWERS, Dar es Salaam city center. It's ANNA GURA'S farewell party before her departure to TOP MODEL WORLDWIDE finals in London soon.
Dress Code: Trendy/Chic

Seasonal prints monochrome and blue @ a CEO & TANZANIAINVEST event  held in conjunction with MOET & CHANDON Champagne

HERIETH PAUL in a striking monochrome design

DOREEN MASHIKA, Zanzibar with a great editorial and a chic and sharp dress

Designer SALIM ALI rocks a printed shirt and aviator sunglasses at the CAPETOWN FISH MARKET, Dar es Salaam

SALIM ALI'S newest collection worn by artiste LADY JAY DEE in seasonal colours

POOJA JESHANG, Dar es Salaam rocks monochrome and aviator sunglasses

 POOJA JESHANG  works on her latest collection in seasonal yellow

Model DAXX out and about in Johannesburg rocking a monochrome top, whilst his friend wears a yellow dress

LOUISE PRIDDY & ABBY glammed up in Ghana

Artiste MZUNGU KICHA, in fashion with a printed T-shirt, starts up online chat sessons on facebook every THURSDAY  from 10am - 12pm


  Be wary of "second hand" information about what your partner thinks of you even from a most trusted source. It's destructive interference and will lead your relationship into a flatline status.

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